Monday, February 9, 2009

Asphalt Mixing Plant

Asphalt Mixing Plant adalah suatu unit mesin atau peralatan yang digunakan untuk memproduksi material campuran antara aspal dengan material agregat batu.

Proyek-proyek pembangunan jalan tol perkerasan lentur maupun pelapisan ulang (overlay), umumnya mensyaratkan kontraktor untuk menggunakan asphalt mixing plant untuk produksi material lapis perkerasan seperti asphalt concrete.

Penggunaan asphalt mixing plant dimaksudkan untuk memproduksi material campuran perekerasan lentur dengan jumlah yang besar dengan mutu dan keseragaman campuran tetap terjamin (homogen).

Material batu pecah dan aspal akan dipanaskan secara terpisah sebelum dicampurkan. Suhu pencampuran pada alat ini umumnya berkisar 160 derajat celcius. (gambar


  1. manteb mas
    terima kasih udah bagi bagi ilmunya, numpang lewat nih siapa tahu berguna hehe

  2. / 08129973849
    Asphalt Mixing Plant of 08129973849, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 500, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 800, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 1000, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 1500, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 2000, Asphalt Mixing Plant with production capacity of 30-320 MT/hour, high automatic, accurate measuring and high reliability is the very choice in advanced road construction and Maintenance.
    It is an innovation product based on oversea introduced and advanced technology. Its key components such as burning device and sensors adopt famous brand component. The control system adopts programmable controller and professional engineering computer of Siemens & Schneider which can control the weight, stirring and handling material automatically, semi-automatically and/or manually. The vane, mixing arm and blade are made of abrasion-resistant cast iron so they are long lasting. The aggregate, mineral filler and asphalt are measured separately to guarantee the batching accuracy and reliability. The hot aggregate, mineral filler are conveyed by bucket double-chain elevator with automatic tension device. The burning system adopts light oil, heavy oil or coal burner. The dust collection system has gravity dust collecting, cyclone dust collecting, water (wet) dust collecting or bag house dust collecting.

  3. / 08129973849
    Asphalt Mixing Plant of 08129973849, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 500, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 800, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 1000, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 1500, Asphalt Mixing Plant – 2000, Asphalt Mixing Plant with production capacity of 30-320 MT/hour, high automatic, accurate measuring and high reliability is the very choice in advanced road construction and Maintenance.
    It is an innovation product based on oversea introduced and advanced technology. Its key components such as burning device and sensors adopt famous brand component. The control system adopts programmable controller and professional engineering computer of Siemens & Schneider which can control the weight, stirring and handling material automatically, semi-automatically and/or manually. The vane, mixing arm and blade are made of abrasion-resistant cast iron so they are long lasting. The aggregate, mineral filler and asphalt are measured separately to guarantee the batching accuracy and reliability. The hot aggregate, mineral filler are conveyed by bucket double-chain elevator with automatic tension device. The burning system adopts light oil, heavy oil or coal burner. The dust collection system has gravity dust collecting, cyclone dust collecting, water (wet) dust collecting or bag house dust collecting.

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  6. Thanks atas infonya..
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  8. Jika anda butuh modifikasi Asphalt Mixing Plant manual menjadi full Automatic silahkan kunjungi


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  12. berapa biaya yg di butuhkan....untuk membuat 1 paket amp dan armada pendukungnya...termasuk peralatan TR,tendem,sprayer dll....

  13. Salam kenal terimakasih artikelnya semoga bermanfaat

